Sabtu, 10 September 2011

typhography sketch

Finally i have done my typography homework. i made 10 regular sketchs and 1 best sketch. well i hope my sketch still belong to thypography model. -_-
so here it is my thypography sketch. Enjoy it and dont forget give your comment :)



6 komentar:

Ajeng Hanun Winny Khairina mengatakan...

cool.........uculs sekaaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee semuanya lucu :):)

Aik Winoto mengatakan...

bagus sheil! eh tapi knp punyaku gabisa di komen yaa? ;((

aulya setyopratiwi mengatakan...

i love "friday nights" and "shining stars". tapi semuanya juga lucu <3

Aulia mengatakan...

lucub semua :3

Anonim mengatakan...

dude those are cool :3

Nadya R mengatakan...

friday nights :3